Kathryn Kalikow, daughter of New York Post’s former owner, and Brian Whelan were charged Monday with possession of drugs with intent to sell after an alleged advertisement of the drug was posted on craigslist. The drug Kalikow allegedly attempted to sell was heroin.
On Sunday, undercover police detectives in the Bronx, New York, responded to the cragslist post as an interested buyer. Kalikow, Whelan and detectives agreed on an address, and the two sellers arrived in a blue Volkswagen.
Records show that Kalikow said to the undercover officer, “Yes I have drugs. He’s my boyfriend, I was holding on to it for him,” and she gave the detective three plastic bags, each containing 10 small bags of a tan, powdery substance.
Whelan told officers that the ad on Craigslist was his idea and admits to needing treatment. Court documents reveal that Whelan said he is a heroin addict, and to afford the drug, he agreed to sell some of the drug on consignment for the person he buys from.
Whelan and Kalikow pleaded not guilty at their arraignments Monday and were released on their own recognizance. They are expected to return to court on May 14, said Melvin Hernandez, a spokesman for the Bronx district attorney.
Immediately after Monday’s arraignment, Whelan’s family admitted him voluntarily to a drug rehabilitation facility, Whelan’s attorney said Tuesday.